Healthcamp 2020

As the old saying goes - A healthy mind resides in a healthy mind.

A health camp was organized for the students of CEHRO INDIA. We coordinated with Dr. Nidhi Gupta of GTB Hospital and Dr. Manpreet Kaur of Maulana Azad Medical College for basic health check up.

Children from KG to 5th grade got their check-ups done. In all 80 students were examined. Dr. Nidhi Gupta checked the basis health of Hair, Ears, Eyes, Nails and Skin of children and Dr. Manpreet Kaur took care of children teeth and tongue. They also monitored the height and weight of all students.

Some of our teachers and volunteers Sonali and Gaurav were given the responsibility of registration and taking note of details of children.

After the health camp, the teachers and volunteers told the parents about the medicine prescribed by the doctors and how it has to be administered to the kids. The parents were very happy to receive free services.

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