31 July, 2017

Help 300 children in Munirka Village, Delhi to realize their dreams and join us in catering to their innovation, creativity, and enterprise.

Centre For Education and Health Research Organization’s (CEHRO India) is raising funds to support quality education of 300 children at Munirka Village, Delhi.

HULCHUL is a Flagship Program of CEHRO India. It is a Movement to Build Innovation, Creativity, and Enterprise of Children Through Performing Arts and 21st Century Skills.

We believe education is not limited to the academics- to the Mathematics and Literacy- but it is much more than that. According to Rabindranath Tagore education makes our life in harmony with all the existence. To realize the full potential of a child it is important to provide him/her with opportunities to explore, experiment and choose. We are striving to bring Performing Arts to a low-income area in Delhi- to 300 talented children enrolled with us. We are exploring streams such as dance, drama, singing, music, drawing, and craft while integrating it with reading and mathematics to bring to life the education which has become mundane by now. All the efforts will come alive as a Musical Play in the Month of September which will highlight the potential our kids. Please support us in making the vision of striving children possible.

There should be no disparity based on the socio-economic background of the children

In the middle of the 21st century, a lot of young children are still unable to get access to basic education as well as health services. This situation must no longer be attributed to inherited poverty.

Small movement, great miracles

Centre for Education and Health Research Organization (CEHRO India) is a Delhi based non-profit making autonomous body. It aims at a society where the underprivileged can pursue quality of life through the aid of education, healthcare, employment opportunities and skill development. Since 2012, CEHRO has accepted more than 1500 youngsters from Munirka whose parents are engaged in menial jobs, and thus lack constant care and guidance at home. CEHRO helps each and every individual grow fullest to play a significant role in the society.

Your interest and even a small contribution will go a long way.

As for CEHRO, the donation is not only meant to be the material aid but also a hope for children’s life by which they can in the future be a leading role for social development. It will help our students continue their learning in a better environment with all the proper necessities in studies. Please donate for our precious individuals striving for their dreams in extremely difficult circumstances.


We run our educational programs resourcefully with minimal expenditure. We just need 2000 INR per year to support all the co-curricular activities of a child. Supporting all the co-curricular activities would mean:

  • Resources- Worksheets, Books, Stationery Materials
  • Human Resource- We hire highly committed, young and bright Education Mentors (Ed-Mentors) after a rigorous selection process as long-term teaching fellows. We provide them with curriculum, training and one-to-one support to provide a high-quality education to the children.
  • Travel- This is the most exciting part- educational tours and attending various relevant events happening in Delhi is an integral part of the education process we have.
  • Nutritious Food- Fruits and other nutrition rich food are provided by our partners. We have to spend some money in making it reach the children.


Each of our donors will be rewarded with a free/discounted ticket for attending the Musical titled ‘Zareen- A Girl with the Golden Eyes’ performed by our children. There are other personalized rewards to be grabbed. Each donor will also be rewarded with a personalized ‘Thank You’ card made by our children at the end of the campaign.


You’ll be able to track every 100 rupees spent. You can any time ask us about the details of the funds spent and also we’ll send out quarterly newsletters detailing the progress students have made.

Get in touch

info@cehroindia.org- Please directly reach us via email in case you want to know more about the project

Drop an email if you would like to help us in kind or want to volunteer with us.

Donate Here